Honoring a Special Calling During National Nurses Week

May 6 – 12 is National Nurses Week and this years’ theme is “4 million reasons to celebrate”. Like their colleagues everywhere, our team of highly skilled nurses works tirelessly every day to support the health outcomes of the tiniest of patients: infants who are or have been in neonatal intensive care units.
Premature and medically complex newborn cases are inherently challenging. And when broader variables such as the social determinants of health come into play, ensuring positive outcomes for both babies and families becomes exponentially more difficult. This is the challenge that ProgenyHealth’s nurses embrace on a daily basis.
Our utilization review nurses focus on helping their colleagues ensure the delivery of quality care in the right setting, at the right time. Our nurse case managers support the families of infants to be sure they are ready for discharge and have everything they need to be successful as they transition to the home setting. All have experience working in hospital NICUs or pediatric settings.
We thought it best to let you hear two of our nurses describe, in their own words, the challenges and rewards of working in the NICU, and here at ProgenyHealth…
“Being a NICU nurse is one of the toughest, yet most rewarding jobs. It can be a very emotionally taxing job at times, but the heartfelt thanks we receive from parents who have trusted us to care for their most precious little gifts, makes it worth every second.” – Tyffani Hubrich, Clinical Care Nurse
“NICU nurses care for the most vulnerable patient who cannot yet speak with their voice, but speak volumes when they wrap their tiny finger around ours. We care for the patient who cannot tell us how they feel, but depend on us to advocate for their every need. We care for the families who entrust their most precious creation in our skilled, loving hands. We listen, we wipe their tears, we build them up, and we prepare them to care for their little fighter at home. Being a NICU nurse is more than a job; it is a calling.” – Jennifer Krtek, Nurse Case Manager
And from our Lead Medical Director and neonatologist…
“It’s hard to express how much nurses have helped me in my professional life. They are truly the backbone of medicine, and managed care for that matter. I am continually humbled by how much I rely on you!” – Dr. Andrew Meyer, Lead Medical Director
ProgenyHealth is proud of the passion and dedication our nursing staff demonstrates every day. One week is simply not long enough to honor their dedication. Thank you to our team for your commitment to our mission. We celebrate you and all nurses this week!
Madeline Szabo is Senior Vice President of Clinical Operations at ProgenyHealth