Our new blog, and our renewed commitment to helping all involved in NICU infant care

Fulfilling our mission at ProgenyHealth means supporting all those who care about and impact NICU infant health outcomes. Envision a circle, with infants and families at the center, widening to encompass providers, payers, social services, and many others. This is the networked team that must work together to effectively address and overcome the difficulties inherent in managing premature and medically complex infant cases.
These care and cost optimization challenges do not end at discharge from the NICU. A multi-month, comprehensive care plan is essential — and proven effective — in the thousands of cases we’ve managed. And for many families, the barriers to a healthy life include the need to address social determinants of health. From day one of our founding, we have focused on identifying and solving these issues for the families we serve. It’s the right thing to do, and is one of our core values. This focus has led to high levels of member satisfaction and engagement, as well as improvements in health outcomes.
Our team of UM/CM specialists at ProgenyHealth is dedicated, exclusively, to NICU populations. We collaborate with providers and health plans across the country, employing a data-driven, clinical best practices approach, powered by our Baby Trax® platform. This coordinated approach standardizes our management processes and produces consistent improvements in health outcomes. Our clinical team is backed by business, technology, and healthcare informatics innovators who continue to demonstrate that NICU infant care and claims cost optimization are not mutually exclusive objectives.
Today, I’m pleased to announce that we’ll be sharing all of this experience right here on our NICU Insights blog.
Each month, we’ll be publishing original and curated articles, videos, case studies, and more, with a focus on helping providers and health plan leaders overcome new and recurring challenges in NICU population health management. Right now, we’re covering a topic that is of major concern in NICUs everywhere: how to best manage infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome.
We hope you find our NICU Insights valuable and please feel free to share with your clinical colleagues and families.
Ellen Stang, MD, is Founder, President, and CEO of ProgenyHealth