Maternity Case Management
We understand the maternity challenges your members face every day
We help plans provide the comprehensive case management and holistic support that women and infants need.
The national maternity stats are clear:
America’s maternal mortality rates are among the highest in the developed world. Inadequate care increases mortality and morbidity, resulting in poor health outcomes and higher costs.

The US maternal mortality rate for 2021 was 32.9 deaths per 100,000 live births, a 32% increase from 2020.1
Severe maternal morbidity increased by 25% since 2017 among commercial members.2
34.9% of US counties are maternity care deserts.3
In 2022, 10.4% of all babies were born premature, before 37 weeks of gestation4

Timely identification and proactive engagement deliver the best outcomes
Using multiple data sources, our Case Managers reach out telephonically to eligible pregnant members. ProgenyHealth’s skilled team regularly achieves high enrollment rates when they speak directly to a member.
All eligible members can also self-enroll via our maternity mobile App at anytime. The app assesses risk levels which inform our case management outreach cadence. Members can make to-do lists, learn about their pregnancy, and track progress via personalized care plans.
Integration is the best way to bring everyone together
ProgenyHealth’s interdisciplinary team of obstetricians, neonatologists, pediatricians; maternity, pediatric and NICU nurses; social workers and lactation consultants collaborate on behalf of your members.
Maternity Case Managers provide ongoing clinical and emotional support and education, help schedule and coordinate transportation to doctors visits, and obtain free or low-cost resources for your members.
In the event of a NICU admission, our maternity Case Managers transfer members to our NICU Care Management team.
Together, they deliver actionable, real-world services and support that builds trusted, lasting relationships with your members from pregnancy up to 12 months postpartum.

We forge strong connections to make a healthier difference
Members have designated ProgenyHealth Case Managers – not a call center – to help with shared decision-making for identifying medical, behavioral, and non-clinical health risks, creating personalized care plans, and solving for SDoH issues.

Healthier Pregnancy

Healthier Newborn

Healthier Family

Read the eBook:
A Member’s Maternity Journey with ProgenyHealth
Learn how Maria engaged ProgenyHealth to manage her high-risk pregnancy – from maternity app and nurse case managers to twelve months of postpartum support for her complex SDoH and behavioral issues.
Give your maternity members someone to lean on
Let ProgenyHealth support your members throughout their maternity journeys while improving outcomes and optimizing maternity economics.
- www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hestat/maternal-mortality/2021/maternal-mortality-rates-2021.htm
- www.healthcostinstitute.org/hcci-originals-dropdown/all-hcci-reports/severe-maternal-morbidity-increased-by-25-from-2017-2021-among-those-with-employer-sponsored-insurance?highlight=WyJjaGlsZGJpcnRoIl0=
- www.marchofdimes.org/maternity-care-deserts-report#map
- www.marchofdimes.org/about/news/2023-march-dimes-report-card-shows-modest-improvement-us-preterm-birth-rate